This is Nagendra’s first mystery, set in Bangalore in 1921. It is set in South India, not Bombay or Calcutta, which makes it unique in my experience.
Fan Fiction: The Doctor stumbled out of the blue box, his foot crunching down into a sandy surface, a double...
Writing: 2006 was the year that Richard Branson launched his “Virgin Comics” brand in the hope of cashing in on...
Now, and perhaps even in that moment in the hospital ICU private ward, I like to think that perhaps he was casting his mind back to the early 1950's when he lived in New York, which, judging by photographs from his time there, must have been the time of his life...
From time to time, my mother will find the energy and inclination (she's 86 years of age) to produce a batch of her own recipe "Bombay Mix"..