The most remarkable thing about Anderson's episodic TV series, each running to between 25 and 30 minutes, is how you are drawn into the carefully crafted puppet worlds...
Film Review: “Heavy Metal” – the 1981 animated feature film based on the comic / prototype graphic novel “Heavy Metal”,...
Writing: When I was at school I became a member of the Leonard Nimoy Fan Club, receiving, amongst other things,...
Project: This is the latest render and I’m pleased with the way it looks – the last post render (version...
Project: As a bit of digression before I post the latest WIP, I’ve been re-visiting Piers Bizonys’ excellent book on...
As the young man came and went I would gently remind him of his promise to build me a jet-pack...
Fiction: “The Return of The Space Gods” On an overcast, grey and shadow-less day a security drone buzzed high overhead,...
Project: I’ve been sluggish posting updates on this on-going project – the original idea spun off from imagining an “Amazing...
Project: The “Enterprise “U” project was started in around 2015 and abandoned partly due to work commitments and partly due...
Project: A couple of renders to check how textures are looking – so far all the renders on this and...
Project: Latest WIP and burning the midnight a little – I’ve added diffuse maps and am still tweaking the panelling...